Session 019

  • Aboard the Aresian Flag Ship
  • Ramiel seems to be much better at balancing like this than Noelle is.
  • From Isha's closet, Ramiel picks out a sleek, form-fitting black dress with some sequins that shimmer slightly. It has slits up the side with cloth that covers the area that allows for greater mobility without compromising appearance.
  • Ramiel actually seems to like it. She even smiles.
  • Isha apparently got tits out of being healed herself.
  • Cadriae curls up around Noelle again and makes it obvious how much things have changed down there, settling her core atop the base of Noelle's tail.
  • We go to meet with Iason in a conference room of sorts.
  • Lanireax, Iason (Liaison of the Ares Initiative, Hero Complex, Might of the Aresian Fleet, and Petros Quidari (the Captain of the Gelanor's Prophecy, Veteran of the Cephei Conflict who was with Iason the day prior) are already in the room.
  • Iason greets us and Emmett Established Dominance.
  • They don't buy alternative timelines even though it makes the most sense.
  • Evidently the biggest discrepancy was the foundation of the Olympian Alliance.
  • Apparently the escape pods from the Sacrificial Dance landed on the third planet in this system, Vixia (Teeming with Life, Excessively Oxygenated Atmosphere, Ruins of a Forgotten War).
  • We fill in the Aresians on the olassa, the Embassy, and the treaty with the Angrian Privateers.
  • Iason attempts to cut us off when we mention the antimatter missile.
  • Quidari doesn't totally seem to agree.
  • Noelle pushes.
  • Quidari reveals that he's worked with pirates and outlaws in the past as a part of the Rho Cephei conflict.
  • Aresian techs help repair the Ragnarok.
  • The Aresians also finished inspecting the two White Fleet sites on Sangxia; most of the bodies were unidentifiable but they did recognize Edmund Powell, a participant in the Rho Cephei uprising.
  • One of the repair techs asks if we've run into Andy Lao. We let him know that we haven't seen him since before the Argo.
  • They also stock EMP Missiles into the Ragnarok.
  • We head back down to Celestine's cabin to retrieve Cadriae's biomass and some of Celestine's personal effects.
    • NCSV Sacrificial Dance Bravo Wing patch.
    • A thermos with the same insignia,
    • A fighter helmet.
    • A handful of seeds & foodstuff
    • The photo album.
    • .44 Magnum revolver.
  • We also load the two electric bikes into the vehicle bay.
  • She says goodbye to the biplane.
  • Celestine sets a photo on the mantle face-down before she leaves; her next to another aloix with a similar fur coloration.
  • Vixia is covered in foliage, light-greens and yellows. The oceans (80% of the planet's surface) are spotted brilliant red from algae blooms. 27 hour days.
  • The ruins of wrecked star-ships in the water shallows.
  • Wrapped around the planet's equator is the long carbon-black cord of a space-elevator, fallen to earth.
  • Lanireax provided us with coordinates to the origin of the SOS message that they received years and years ago.
  • The ionosphere and magnetosphere are extreme here.
  • There's a settlement in the bay we were directed to, home to between 1-2k people.
  • As we land, a small, feathered creature similar to a cat starts running for the forest. One of the birds from above dives to catch it, and it ignites as it descends. The cat-like creature skitters back toward us and hides behind Emmett's legs, causing the bird to break off. It runs off after and scales a tree, then seems to be able to glide.
  • Many of the buildings are discolored by scorch-marks. There are makeshift barricades further down by the harbor, all long overgrown.
  • We start investigating.
  • Lasani discovers the wreckage of another I18 Caracal on an overgrown landing pad, which looks like it was blown up from the inside.
  • Noelle snoops around it, trying to figure out what happened. She suddenly feels her perspective shift.
  • "Coming in hot. Captain, do you read?" - "Poor girl just doesn't have enough to get off the ground, we're better off just taking what we can from her until we can get helium-3 refinement going." - There's sounds of explosions in the distance. "Sorry old girl. You didn't deserve to go out like this, but it's better than letting them have you." Activating scuttling charges.
  • We follow Lasani toward a building that she recognizes as being labelled 'Coordinator's Office'.
  • Solar panels sit on the roof and lights are on inside as a result. Anything computerized has been ripped apart or shot through. There's a plaque sitting on the desk labelled as Captain Maria Castille.


December 29, 2021