Session 012
- The Queen wants to meet with all of us.
- We can overlook the cruiser from the room she invites us to. It's most certainly a warship.
- Alongside Menyani enters an urodyla man with ribbons binding his tails named Foryth, a human man with a braided beard named Miter (chief engineer), and an algata-welo named Veniri. Cira takes a place at her side.
- The Hearth Beckons engaged after we were thrown across space. The Angrian Privateers chose to disengage.
- They met a White Fleet ambush.
- We're escorted to a Faraday cage chamber for the sake of testing it.
- Isha and Veniri remain in the cage while the rest of us head to the Ragnarok.
- Menyani takes a minor consequence of common cause.
- They agree to return the Goll and Yosetsu as well as the Valkyrie mechs and crew.
- The decisions on the expedition were primarily controlled by Cartographers' Union representative Cassiopeia Mare & Captain Pezani. Second in command would be Kupita, the prime navigator on the I Miss You, My Shadow.
- Menyani explains the story of the East India Trading Company and gains a boost on us, my point of view.
- She requests one of four class-3 antimatter torpedo (rated on a scale of 1-9) from the expedition. A class-9 is capable of annihilating a city on the scale of a nuke. Class-1 is capable of destroying a Jovian-scale gas giant. Only one class-1 has ever been used, by the chydir.
- She reveals that she's aware that the Argo had live samples of the Cascade horror on board.
- She also suggests that I research the 11 vials. It's a reference to the 1800s, when settlers to Australia brought 11 vials of smallpox to vaccinate their own people and, in the process, accidentally introduced it to the natives.
- Noelle agrees to retrieve the missile and Isha lays out terms.
- The treaty is signed.
- We turn over 10 of the terminals and explain the details.
- Isha asks about the White Fleet influence on Perdia.
- At that point, there's warnings of shift signatures. The Hearth Beckons enters with the signatures of a bunch of other ships, including the Randalin.
- Saamala presents an ultimatum. Noelle diffuses.
- Saamala reveals that the other signatures were decoy drones. Noelle's heart breaks.
- Emmett comforts Noelle afterward.
- Saamala reveals that they followed a scout to Fort Caroline. The sensor readings make it pretty clear that the scout was White Fleet.
- Noelle heads to free the Valkyries.
- The frigates that warp in match the profile of BLC warships. Three frigates. Six corvettes. Two destroyers.
- Noelle retrieves the other Valkyries and preps for combat.
- We board for combat.
- Isha recognizes that the White Fleet is chained to command.
- Isha confers this to Menyani and the queen has a plan.
- The lead frigate takes some heat while the whole system seems to be in an all-out melee..
- Noelle pilots in close to let Emmett and Isha throw themselves off onto the destroyer.
- Isha attacks the guns and sends them on the fritz.
- Emmett knocks out two
- Leave the flying to the professionals
- That doesn't count as professional
- Moderate Maybe she would be better off on her own
- 2x Hand of God
- Emmett holds the hatch shut.
- Noelle dodges around some fool again. boost
- Isha burns out one of the destroyer's systems just as the gravity wave hits.
- It crashes into the other destroyer just as the Queen's Grace.
- Ramiel tunnel-visions, determined to take down the fighter that's coming after us. She does destroy it.
- Isha is spinning out into space and her life support is failing.
- Emmett manages to catch Isha in open space and somehow a bubble appears around them, creating a situational aspect there's no place like home.
- Noelle scoops up Isha and Emmett into the Ragnarok again.
- Noelle hears someone say thank you.
- Isha expresses that an aching in your chest is a magic muscle.
December 14, 2021