Session 010
- Saamala provides us a bit of information on the base model of the Queen's Grace.
- Situation Aspects:
- Hot, Dense Nebula
- Rag-Tag Fleet
- Strange Gravitational Fluctuations
- The two lead ships are about corvette-size but not of a make that Noelle recognizes. Vaguely Nav'Svargan but not quite.
- They're likely the fighter screen.
- Isha called target
- Noelle and Ramiel determined that the missiles and frigate are likely hardened to try to draw fire for the others to get close.
- Emmet blows up the nuclear missiles creating a radiation hazard.
- Noelle outmaneuvers the enemy pilots by a landslide and she just hits the break while they fly on by.
- Firetip very nearly deletes one of the corvettes.
- Noelle and Ramiel send out the drones and they dive to evaporate one of the engines of the damaged corvette; they're close enough to see the name printed on the ship: Jacquotte Delahaye.
- Isha scopes one of the enemy ships and gets a target lock.
- None of these pilots can even hope to keep up with Noelle.
- Noelle helps Cadriae relax a little bit.
- The Queen's Grace comes into view, accompanied by three anti-warship frigates.
- The Queen's Grace instils an inspiring presence in the other pirates.
- The corvettes concede and bail out.
- We're outmatched.
- Isha attempts to call for parlay with the Queen's Grace.
- They agree, after laughing at us quite a bit.
- Cadriae will remain on the Ragnarok and ensure that no one attempts to enter.
- We dock via a umbilicus to the Queen's Grace and have to buzz in at the intercom to be admitted.
- Weapons are placed on a table that then gets covered by a force barrier.
- Cira has a bracelet that has some kind of hand-carved cresting waves above a rising set of stars.
- Captain Menyani of the Queen's Grace is an algata-di.
- Relatively muted coat of feathers.
- She carries a small silver trey with five cups.
- She reveals that Ydre was captaining the Jacquotte Delahaye.
- We negotiate with Menyani to trade comms tech for the ships and survival.
- We agree that Cira will be coming with us down to the Ragnarok to demonstrate the tech.
- The guards tried to board the Ragnarok and were sedated.
- We introduce Cira and Cadriae.
- We make contact with Saamala and inform her that we're going to come and drop a comms unit on board to prove our claims with Cira.
- Isha spots a gravitational tsunami a moment before it hits.
- We get tossed about and sensors go relatively blind.
- We've moved much farther than we should have been.
- Isha reaches out to Feathers of Rust to see if she has any idea where we are via sending data to her.
- We get near an asteroid to investigate based on an idea Cira has.
- Evidently we're a day's shift away from where we were.
- Evidently the only place the White Fleet hasn't hit is Kunja.
- Cira is formerly White Fleet.
- Cira reveals that Ydre has been dead for six months; she died at the location where we got thrown to by the gravitational tsunami. They never recovered a body.
- Cira continues to fight with Isha because apparently there were more feelings there.
- Lasani and Isha cuddle and help her grieve.
- We come out of shift and find three White Fleet signatures nearby that attempt to engage us.
- Their missiles are deleted by a bolt of lightning.
- Their ships are wiped away by another gravity wave just as we shift out.
- We finally come out before a wide, circular space station with the ribs of shipyards above and below.
- Docker is a nearly-complete cruiser.
- Little Caroline, home of the Angrian Privateers.
December 4, 2021