Session 009
- We suggest that Feathers of Rust send word to the seya on C28.
- Maximillian and Byron direct us toward where we might find Blackout Station's arms dealer.
- The first thing we see is a corvette-grade railgun.
- The arms dealer herself has black hair cut in a side-shave, sleeve tattoos, tank-top. She's missing a few teeth, and one of her eyes is slightly glazed over as if damaged.
- Decoy drones, sensor drones, recon drones, combat drones.
- BLC recon.
- Former Valkyrie named Alice Carter.
- She has some beef with the Valkyries because she blames them for the death of her companions and partner in combat.
- Lira Carter
- Tera Worth
- Elizabeth Wright.
- We purchase some goodies and get in Alice's good graces
- 6750 per reconn drone: 3x
- Spike launcher + 12 rounds, 4k total; ignore armor.
- 4x Aresian anti-fighter drones for 8k each.
- Fast-recharging two-stage shield. 20k. Shields I.
- Two energy blades. 500 each.
- 77250 credits
- Noelle invites Alice out for drinks.
- Emmett and Alice play darts.
- Noelle shares a bit about how she got sick when she was younger and couldn't walk for a while
- Noelle also buys a fancy bottle of whisky to give to Padyl.
- Lepidopteras Aviation and Astronautics Executive Protection Drone.
- K141.
- 3.5 day journey.
- Alice threw in a bunch of ammo for Emmett's shotgun, including some doomsday rounds (micro-explosive ammo).
- Sending out the reconnaissance drones yields no results, aside from managing to discover one of Feathers of Rust's drones.
- Heading into the nebula clouds presents strange gravitic fluctuation.
- Chief Navigator Yendara of the Hearth Beckons.
- Cyn destroyer New Promises; radiation leak. Acting Captain Saamala.
- Three ships of Lepidopteras Aviation & Astronautics; armed transports Pavon & Laure and lance corvette Firetip
- Only Firetip is undamaged.
- Coordinator Bernard De'Riza of Lepidopteras.
- The Goll and the Yosetsu were taken in pirate attacks.
- Several frigate & corvette-class vessels.
- Dock with the New Promises.
- Talk with Lasani about abandonment anxiety.
- Saamala suggested that Isha's plan to clone the home ship's IFF and ambush the pirates was also suggested by someone known as Mistra.
- Feathers of Rust makes contact and tells us to get out, the Queens Grace is in the system.
November 30, 2021