Session 003

  • Noelle was originally flying in a daze, but Ramiel pushed her a bit and she picked up speed.
  • We have two courier drones on board.
  • Lasani explains skip drives to Isha.
  • Discuss who might be responsible.
  • Emmett reassures Lasani and the others to help put them at ease.
  • Isha and Lasani get some rest together.
  • It takes 5 hours and 37 minutes to arrive in C28's system.
  • After another 30 minutes to shift nearer to C28's atmosphere, we make contact with Oshua and update her on the status of the Argo.
  • Three fighters with shift rigs and a light corvette shift into the system.
  • Noelle scanned them and got their number
  • They start to place mines at the expedition entry-point to the system.
  • We move faster than our light reaches the bombers so they never saw us coming.
  • Isha overcharges the engines by zapping them with magic. In the process, she hits the comms line and injures Noelle a bit.
  • Noelle hacks the minefield as they're setting up, making their mines hers.
  • Emmett channels the overcharged engines and utilizes the distraction of the mines to obliterate the light corvette.
  • Noelle outmaneuvers the fighters to a significant margin with her fancy flying.
  • Noelle attempts to avoid contact from one of the fighters but they were quicker than she expected and Fenrir sustains some fire.
  • Emmett opens fire on the fighter, drawing some power from the overcharged engines.
  • The mines deal some significant damage to one of the ships.
  • Ramiel destroys the first fighter.
  • Emmett misses their shot 'cuz they're quicker than she expected
  • Isha blitzes the two remaining fighters with magical electricity and fries them, but it causes the comms to be on the fritz.
  • One of the pilots burnt up in the cockpit.
  • The other opens fire.
  • Ramiel retaliates.
  • The fighters are Svargan in origin.
  • The corvette is a civilian-model corvette converted and up-armed that is also of Svargan make; it's produced by BLC but not used by their forces most of the time.
  • Noelle, Isha, and Emmett retrieves the black box from the corvette.
  • Data:
    • The last two systems on the black box are Stellar Waypoint 13 and an unnamed star close to Stellar Waypoint 12.
    • Squadron 3.
    • Comms records.
  • The comms show that the intent wasn't to destroy ships but to keep them running.
  • The comms also confirm that it's the same people who brought the fighters against Shashiri.
  • We bring in the remaining two tracking proximity mines.
  • We leave one of the two courier drones broadcasting a message to inform those entering the system that we went to a station with coordinates.
  • Noelle returns the Ragnarok to C28 and gets some well-deserved rest.
  • Noelle falls asleep in the captain's seat, but Emmett and Lasani carry her to bed.
  • She sleeps for 10 hours.
  • She fixes the coffee machine to get a damn good brew.
  • She and Isha put some patches in place for the comms system.
  • We plot a course for the nearest coordinates that Maximillian gave us.
  • Isha does some studying on the ship tech and gets brushed up.
  • Lasani runs a D&D campaign for the party during the travel downtime.
  • We arrive in a system with two gas giants; Maximillian's coordinates direct us toward the larger. The station is settled between the three moons in a low orbit so it is almost never directly visible in the system's sunlight.
  • Noelle approaches with style and moves like Jagger (x1).
  • Running Valkyrie Ragnarok IFF and hailed by Blackout Station.
  • Cleared for landing after sharing that we heard of the place from a fellow industry professional (Maximillian).
  • Blackout Station is approximately twice the Argo's size but likely has a max population of around 1k.
  • We dock and head inside, checking weaponry with an urodyla at a kiosk near the door.
  • Isha interrogates the urodyla at the door for info on other perdra that went through here; she seems particularly interested in a red with some gold patterns on the shoulders.
  • Converted passenger liner named Queen's Grace. Pretends to be civilian.
  • Recommended asking around Port Kunja, another station.
  • Take a bath.
  • Get Ragnarok and Fenrir repaired.
  • Maximillian shows up.
  • He informs us that the people who attacked Shashiri and the Argo are known as The White Fleet.
  • Maximillian knows someone on the fourth level who might be able to get word out.
  • Lasani and Emmett rejoin us to meet the contact.
  • Six or so Tellura are on this level, they like their privacy.
  • Rusty. Reddish-brown feathers with a light brown ruffle down the chest.


October 27, 2021